Sunday, May 15, 2011


Every cup of coffee contains its own soul, extracted from your feeling today.every cup of coffee is like a magic show containing different journey and bringing the unending imagination and surprises.With a sip of coffee, you not only taste your own story, but also change your perspective of the world.

it's my first time try to make a stop-motion animation. 

I used to be a senior student majoring in commercial design who had no interest whatsoever in animation. However, last summer I saw a amazing work "SNASK" (​10435821) , which awakened in me a huge interest in Stop-Motion. This was also my very first encounter towards videos.
Indeed, "Coffee Time" was adapted from Mike Crozier’s animation "SNASK", I used that as a template for my own first practice video made with stop-motion. I tried to recreate the effects from "SNASK" (​10435821) , and I learned so much from this process. At the end of the video, I mixed in an animation containing my personal favorite coffee elements.
It's not apply to any commercial act. It only served as my first practice of stop-motion, and I show great appreciation and respect for Mike Crozier. The original producer was notified prior to the publishing of the video. My initial intention was to humbly share my practicing result with relatives and friends. But now the consequence was totally out of my expectation. I am greatly honored by all the feedback and encouragement, which I am deeply appreciative of.
I hope that everyone can put more emphasis on the “procedure”. For me, a heart-touching film is like a good mentor, exerting much influence. And "SNASK" is just like a mother to me, bearing the interests for stop-motion, and inspiring me with the motive of learning. All the praises and admiration the video has received undoubtedly belongs to Mike Crozier.
It took me one month for deliberation, production, prop preparation, almost two weeks of shooting, and 1,705 pieces of photos to finish the video.
Music by Les Filstool from Puberté des oreilles album (​en/​album/​70112)

Wan Tzu

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