What would Jasper Conran, the British homeware and fashion designer, make of a necklace made out of orthopaedic leather? Or a lampshade made out of sponge lycra? He is, after all, hailed as the fountainhead of industrial design savvy.
Matias Zuckermann of Perfectos Dragones started out his design career in 1999 doing a stint in London for Conran, and he says that much of what he learnt in the workshop back then is employed in his design team today.
Perfectos Dragones came together in 1999, and is composed of Matias Zuckermann, an industrial designer; his sister Mara, an accessory designer; Debora Hirsch and Leticia Churba, also accessory designers; and Gustavo Stekolschik, Matias’s wingman in industrial design. They are an Argentine multidisciplinary design group, designing and producing their own collections of furniture, fashion accessories and objects.
Their signature aesthetic mixes a certain avant-garde look with a cheeky irreverence. Mara impresses that the consistent innovative use of various materials is what inspires every collection: rubber, plastic, eco-leather and aluminum are some of the basic ingredients in their research. With a commitment to sourcing products that are socially and environmentally sustainable, the simple, fluid forms and sensual curves in everything from lamp stands to necklaces to bottle openers to handbags have identified Perfectos Dragones as one of the most innovative and influential design team in Argentina today.
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