I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He was sent to this earth by a loving Heavenly Father, to provide the perfect example for us and show us the way back to our heavenly home. I believe that He Atoned for my sins (and all of ours) in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross at Calvary, enduring unimaginable physical pain and emotional anguish. I can't even imagine the kind of love that must take. It shakes me to my very core to even think about losing a child this way. How our Heavenly Father must have trembled watching the pain of His Son. I believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected, as a final example of God's power and our ability to attain eternal life. He is MY Savior. I am so grateful for His gift to me and for the power, purpose, and direction that the gospel gives me in this live.
On a more site-appropriate note, I'd like to share the two most important books that I have read in my life. I believe that we have been given two essential books of scripture - my favorite books, if you will - that can guide us on our way back to our Father in Heaven. They are the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon (see below)- each testify of Christ, of His divinity, life and mission on this earth. I have provided links below for any who might be interested in reading them for yourselves. I believe that we are all entitled to personal inspiration and heavenly revelation in our lives. I have read these books and felt the profound spirit and inescapable peace that they bring with them. I invite you all to do the same.
Have a wonderful Christmas,
Mindy Oja (Blog Administrator of Reading For Sanity)
The Holy Bible (KJV) - click here to request a FREE copy
andThe Book of Mormon - click here to request a FREE copy
Additional links:
....yes, Mormons believe in the Bible. See.
...here is the most amazing testimony of the Atonement that I have ever heard.
...to learn more about my personal beliefs as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, click here.
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