Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Is Pumpkin a Fruit or a Vegetable?

There are so many things around us that have always been there, we know that they exist and therefore we never actually give a serious thought on their details. An example for the same would be, thinking that 'is pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable'? Though the classification of pumpkin, as to whether it is a fruit or a vegetable, won't actually affect its usage, but then the human mind is always curious to classify things into categories for better understanding, right? So where does the place of the 'pumpkin' lie? Does it come under the category of a fruit, or is it a vegetable? Well, it is a fruit, but then you can also call it a vegetable if you don't want to be all technical about it! Confused? Well, in order to clear the confusion, we will first have to understand what exactly is a fruit and what is the definition of a vegetable? So let us begin to understand that first.

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