Wondering how to build immune system? Why is it important to strengthen immune system? A healthy immune system is extremely important for one's well being. Those who have a often find themselves grappling with recurrent infections. The immune system is the protective mechanism used by the body to fight off the diseases and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and toxins. It comprises of a set of processes and biological structures that protect the body against the pathogens. The detects the pathogens and attacks them.
The immune system has the ability to recognize the pathogens that have been in your body before. If a pathogen enters the body for the first time, a healthy immune system develops antibodies in order to attack the disease-causing agent. Now that the antibodies have been developed, the next time this pathogen enters the body, the antibodies that were created earlier will set off to kill this pathogen. When thegets adversely affected, the body's ability to ward off such infections decreases due to the immunodeficiency and one becomes susceptible to recurring infections. If you fall ill every now and then, it is indicative of a weak immune system, therefore steps must be taken to improve immune system. Here's some information on ways to strengthen immune system.
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