Friday, May 20, 2011

Smashing The Opponent

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Apr 28, 04:17 PM
    If liberals would stop 'crying wolf' ('claiming racism') at every corner, we might actually take them seriously and help out when there's actual evidence.

    I couldn't disagree more. Conservatives have already proven that they are willing to either turn a blind eye to or even support such lunatic accusations against anybody so long as it might damage or distract their political opponent. They don't care how far-fetched or personal the attacks are, as long as it creates some useful political capital.

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  • X2468
    Mar 31, 06:54 PM
    Not a problem for me. HTC does a great job keeping phones updated.
    Precisely. I've been using HTC Android phones concurrently with my iPhones since I have multiple lines. I happen to like both platforms.

    What the Android haters here fail to realize, is that they cannot act like adults and say I like this about my iPhone far better than Android.

    Nooooo. They've got to preface it with something derogatory like "crappy Android" or worse. It shows their immaturity and inability to act intelligent. They reduce themselves to childish dolts. Idiots at best.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 28, 10:08 AM
    Imagine that, three responses which utterly fail to refute let alone dispute my clear and truthful argument.

    Here 5P. Let me try to explain this in a (hopefully) clear and truthful manner.

    Tribalism works on a variety of levels. You don't care about conservative blacks because your shared conservative ideology overcomes any racial issues. The fact that you feel a kinship, based on the political ties can even fool you into thinking that you've become color blind. "I like Colin Powell, that proves I'm not a racist."

    But when the overriding political connection doesn't exist then the subtler identifiers come into play. The tensions over race, religion, class or gender are always there, they're just overcome by political kinship. Take away that basis for agreement and those other aspects are more prone to color our perception of that person.

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  • Boomchukalaka
    Apr 6, 03:15 PM
    YEP...over 100,000 people bought a Xoom...and clearly half of them will be on this forum telling everybody how much better it is than the iPad...;)

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  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 26, 04:10 PM
    So, if Merom is out the 28th and possiblity of Merom MBPs comeing out the 29th? or sometime BEFORE September.

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  • Arcus
    Apr 25, 03:46 PM
    Sued for breaking what law?

    Being sued and breaking the law are two different things. I can sue you for killing the tree between our yards. You didnt break any law, but I can still sue.

    I kinda see where he is a bit right. If I turn off or say no to allowing the apps to use my location this might suggest to the user that it is not tracking and storing this data. I do not think that it is a stretch to make that connection.

    I do agree this is way out of hand though.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 29, 10:41 AM
    Here we go again. Broad generalizations. Go to the responses to blogs and articles on the internet and you'll see this isn't true.
    Maybe I am mistaken. RT, would you please quote some right-wingers who did name-calling? Seems to me that many accuse others of, say, racism, mysogeny, or homophobia when the accusers want to silence the accused. I don't want to offend anyone, but I won't let anyone intimidate me. Name-calling reflects mostly on the name-callers, and in the end, what others think of me will matter very little, if at all. There's even something good about the opposition I get: It thickens my skin.

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  • croooow
    Apr 8, 07:56 AM
    ...Why in anybody's right mind would best buy not sell what they have?

    This may have already been said. But some stores will hold onto stock of a hot selling item because it will be posted in a weekly newspaper ad.:cool:

    So, if they have the hot selling item at the time (in this case, iPad 2) on a Wednesday or Thursday and aren't getting any shipments until the next week but have an upcoming Sunday flyer featuring that item, they will hold the item in the back until Sunday. They don't want to be sold out before they open on the day the item is advertised in the paper.:eek:

    So weird that in 2011 stores selling the latest electronics care about newspapers.:rolleyes:

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  • thatisme
    Apr 27, 08:36 AM
    Maybe this will stop the large daily 1am data chunks being sent on 3G??? My most active time on 3G data always happens when I am asleep....:eek:

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  • skunk
    Apr 27, 03:10 PM
    I'd be fascinated to know exactly what you did to "discover" those layers, 5P. I have Photoshop and Illustrator too. Guess what? One layer. Nothing selectable. At least one of us is talking complete bollocks.

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  • Neb154
    Aug 7, 03:39 PM
    I'm real excited for the new iChat and Spaces, along with these new "top secret features..." They better be good!

    The finder is definately my bet for something to be revamped, along with probably iLife which will be revamped for leopard.

    Edit : Also something more with virtualization (boot camp area) as they did not touch that really.

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  • dclocke
    Sep 19, 07:37 AM
    It amazes me that people can get so worked up about a processor that was only officially released three weeks ago.

    It never ends either. As soon as Merom chips are in the MacBook range everyone will just move on to the next thing. When are Apple going to put quad cores in their high end products? When are the Macbooks going to be updated with Santa Rosa? When are we going to get nand cache?

    It amazes me that people who are so opposed to discussion of upcoming Merom notebooks still click on the links to the forums with titles using the terms "Merom" and "MacBook Pro". If you're a regular on the forums, sure, I can see how constant discussion about the "next" platform might get old. So ignore them. Do something productive with your time. In my case, I am currently in the market for a MBP. I have two other laptops, so I don't need one. But I want one. And when it's likely that updates are imminent, it's smart in my case to wait. For that, these threads serve a purpose, by notifying me of new rumors/news that I might not find otherwise. In addition, I learned of the student ADC membership which may save me $400 on my new laptop purchase. Once I buy the notebook, I will probably not look at this site very often for a few years, when I am ready to buy a new one. So let people talk about new hardware. People who are getting ready to spend >$2000 on a laptop have every right to anticipate when the next "update" will be, so they can better time when to make their purchase.

    What's funny is that even if new MacBooks and MacBook Pros were released tomorrow with the newer Merom chip, 90% of you folks in here wouldn't notice a difference in your daily computing. You would not say "OMG, this 64 bit processing and extra .16Ghz speed is AWESOME!!! I can't BELIEVE I lived without this for so long!!!" You wouldn't even notice unless someone told you.

    Granted, my argument will likely place me in the other 10% of posters. But here goes anyway. Some of us aren't here because we are looking forward to a 16GHz speed increase. Some of us see other tangible benefits to a MBP update.

    1. The 64-bit ISA, for a few reasons. First, what if I want to run Vista sometime down the road? Leopard will support 32-bit processors, but why not take full advantage of 64-bit capabilities when it's built in? Those of us who purchase will likely have the machine for a few years. Who knows what kinds of applications that take advantage of a 64-bit ISA will emerge during that time? Also, from a development aspect, I am looking forward to having a 64-bit machine available to me.

    2. Possiblity of other upgrades, and/or a price decrease. Some changes that would be nice are: more memory as a base option (for equal or lesser price), easily replaceable HD, upgraded graphics card, etc... The list goes on. It is redundant to post this here, since it is all over the entries in this thread (and others).

    When most people in this thread say "Merom", what they really mean is "notebook with a Merom processor and hopefully some other changes for the better as well." Sure, there are others who just hear the word "Merom," know it's the latest Intel chip, and want it for purely that reason. Well, you know what? They're getting ready to spend a lot of money on a machine, so they can wait for whatever they want to wait for. Give 'em a break. Let them discuss it. Let them speculate. If you get tired of it, don't read the thread. And don't be condescending towards them just because they want to feel like they made a smart purchase.

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  • TrollToddington
    Apr 6, 03:17 PM
    Both machines would be fine, though the 13"/15" MacBook Pro is more fully-featured of a machine than the Air, and frankly at that cost, why pay for an incomplete system?

    With a 13" or 15" MacBook Pro, there's little practical use for a MacBook Air unless you have a problem lifting the two extra pounds, and really, if you do, either exercise or invest in physical therapy.
    Disagree, the Air is a niche product, and there is a noticeable difference in weight. 2KG 13" Pro is exactly 50% heavier than 1.3KG Air, and if you lug the laptop around all day long such weight difference is noticeable. It might be added that most Air users are never gonna need the extra computing power of the MBP. If your work requires a MBP you're never going to get an Air anyway.

    I am going even further - I like the featherweight of the 11" and the fact that after the update it is going to be a very serious machine is not to be neglected.

    Last but not least, those 2 pounds you're talking about can be crucial when deciding what to take in your hand luggage when traveling by plane. I've been up to such a decision when I had to take my 2.8kg PC laptop. That's where I guess the name of the computer comes from - Macbook Air, designed for use on an Airplane.

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 19, 12:01 PM
    So the Apple crew is simply waiting on marketing until they release these new laptops? Exactly how much marketing needs to go into a slight update? I understand that these are 64-bit processors but the average consumer has no clue what that means to begin with. Waiting for the marketing crew seems really strange to me, should they have not already been ready for this transition by now? Just make a box on the front page that has a picture of a MBP and let it say "the fastest just got faster" or something.

    Yeah, what kind of marketing have they done for the new iMacs? What did they need to do before they pushed it out? If C2D MBP's are just sitting there ready to head out, why is marketting sitting on their hands?

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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 14, 04:26 PM
    <snipped...>I don't think you realize what you're asking for. A system that is capable of performing all possible tasks at once is just unrealistic. Nobody will ever equip a system like that, because no user will have those kinds of requirements.

    Even in the PC world, where more slots are common, you almost never find a system that has actually filled all those slots with devices.

    Amen. It makes me sick to see people crying foul.

    "I want 4 of every port/slot there is, in a case that is no more than a foot tall, plus 2 3Ghz processors, blu-ray, dual gpus, all for $1500! And if Apple doesn't give it to me, I will never buy anything from them ever!"

    Even though they will never even use them(all the ports/slots). Most people will fill the x16 and maybe an old school PCI slot. Thats about it.

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  • relimw
    Aug 7, 01:29 PM
    Oops, double posted. Delete this post.

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  • bagelche
    Apr 5, 09:36 PM
    Heh. looks like foidulus had a similar idea. I missed that post. And MattInOz comes in with a reasonable rebuttal and more technical knowledge than I have.

    I don't think either foidulus or I were saying they were completely siloed--I'm sure they had some level of access to the A/V code. The question is is it in SL. Possibly.

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  • Henri Gaudier
    Aug 17, 04:34 AM
    It's odd, seeing as Mac's are still the choice for many musicians that some kind of specs are never given that would be of interest to musicians. The released figures don't do much for me. I'd like to know the polyphony improvements say for Kontakt under both systems in Digital Performer 5. Other than, of course you can't because Mac have pulled the rugs out from the software developers feet again. Hence, the software doesn't exist yet. Anyway, the Intel should beat the G5. The Quad G5 is a year old and at the time of it's release it was considered disappointing because we'd had a 2.7 processor released 6 months before that ... so I think the expectation (And SJ promise) was for a Quad 3.0. Quad 2.5 was almost like a step back. Aren't these the results, more or less, that SJ promised 2 years ago? Only he's had to F about with our work flow yet again? Yeah great! In 18 months when everything has settled down and been revised a few times and the software has undergone some adjustments we'll all be coasting along and BAM .. Apple are switching again back to Freescale who are now world leaders. "The Freescale roadmap" say Steve Jobs " is very exciting...."

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  • Trekkie
    Sep 14, 05:22 PM
    I got this great response this morning from my IT snob:
    "Where in that linked article does it say 64bit? I see 65 nm, but not 64 bit. Duct taping two 32 bit cores together may get you Mac 64 bit processing... great for drawing cool pictures."

    Anyone have a link that shows that Clovertown is 64 bit? Please help me to defeat this PC IT ogre

    Why not get it from The Horses Mouth ( over at intel (PDF Warning)

    They specifically state that Clovertown is a multi-core packaging of Woodcrest which is a 64 bit processor.

    Hate it when IT people act like morons and give the rest of us a bad name.

    Aug 25, 02:46 PM
    dotMac support is horrible! There have been a ton of problems with their email service being labeled as a spam source lately. They aren't fixing the problem and there is no way of contacting support besides some worthless email form that only gets you canned responses in reply. They have no phone support either.

    So, for a $100 a year service you get a blacklisted email address and no support. Yay for Apple!

    Mar 26, 10:46 AM
    Will I be able to get Lion at a discount for the recent purchase or do I pay full price? I was just wondering. Thanks!

    You'll only get a discount for Lion if you buy it just before (or after) the release date is announced. They only give you a couple of weeks though, if you buy it now and Lion comes out in the summer you'll be paying the full price.

    Sep 19, 09:50 AM
    Can't we stop all this Mac on Mac hate and just get along?:)

    Aug 16, 11:58 PM
    This poor cache design will kill off the G5's fast in rendering intensive workspaces.

    The G5 has only 1MB of cache and it's per core not per cpu. If one core needs to cache 3.5MB of data it's possible on the Mac Pro becauce the CPU cache is fully unified.

    I just ran Cinebench 9.5 on my Mac Pro and got 4 Cpu's Showing and a healthy 3.5 Ratio. (That means the CPU's are working together very well, thanks to the Intel Smart Cache.)

    :) :p

    Apr 6, 10:44 AM
    Sign me up for this please!!!

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