Broadband in the literal sense, means a wide range of frequencies used to transmit and receive data. Earlier, accessing the internet was a very slow process due to the dial-up connection. The is a cheap way of accessing the internet, as the cost is the same as that of local phone calls. The monthly plans of a dial-up connection are also similar to those of the telephones. However, the speed of a dial-up connection is too sluggish and the telephone remains busy while accessing the internet. These factors have made the broadband internet connection the preferred method for internet access.
The term, broadband in 'broadband internet connection', refers to the bandwidth of the internet connection. The technical definition of bandwidth states that, it is a range of frequencies. The term bandwidth is generally used to refer to the data transfer rates, in case of computer networks and internet connections. Data transfer rates are usually measured in bits per second (bps). In broadband internet connection, the transfer rates are very high as compared to the dial-up internet connection. There are various types of broadband internet connections, depending upon the cost, speed and availability. These are as follows:
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