Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Scratched DVD Repair

Everybody burns DVDs for can get scratched due to a million reasons. Like your pet messing it up with his paws, a friend manhandling your DVD, or not storing your DVD in a cover. If you have a of your data, good! But, for those who have no backup of their data and want to recover their data, try these scratched DVD repair remedies.

Scratched DVD Remedies

If your scratched DVD problem has you befuddled, the following remedies will help you figure out how to repair scratched DVD. These remedies for can be tried on a normal CD too. But before you go ahead and try these remedies, let me warn you, if your DVD is scratched real badly, no remedy might work.

Wiping the DVD: There are commercial wipes for DVDs available. Use them to wipe the DVD. Always, start from the center of the disc and wipe towards the outer edge of the disc.

Using Software: There are many available for your use. Almost all of the DVD burning softwares, also have the option of data recovery. Put the DVD in the player and click the option of data recovery on the software. For scratched DVD repair, this methods helps in most cases.

Using Toothpaste: This is a risky polishing method, as it might further harm your disc. So, use this method as the last alternative. The ingredients in toothpaste, help to remove the outer plastic coat on the discs. Apply a little amount of white normal toothpaste on a lint free cloth. Now hold the DVD under bright light and inspect the areas where it has been scratched. Rub the toothpaste on the scratched surface in a circular motion around 10 times. Repeat for all the scratches. Then wash the disc with warm water and let it dry. Try playing it. If it doesn't play, try polishing it again for 10-12 minutes with the toothpaste and then try playing it.

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